Spy Games, Falling Skies, and Football Fails

This date and post ordering is kicking this old man’s ass right now, but I will keep at it…one way or the other. Alright, folks. Buckle up. It’s been a week, and I’ve got thoughts. If you’re new here, let me remind you: Drama doesn’t do sugarcoating. This isn’t a safe space, and I don’t care about your feelings. Let’s get to it.

Trump’s Big “You’re Fired” Moment: The 51 Spies and FBI Purge

First on the chopping block: Trump’s decision to strip security clearances and federal building access from the “51 Spies Who Lied” and a slew of FBI agents who went after the Jan Sixers. Now, am I in favor of this? Absolutely. If you knowingly signed your name to a document that lied to the American people (especially about something as consequential as an election), then yes, you should be barred from sniffing around national security secrets. If you were part of Nancy Pelosi’s joke of a witch hunt and didn’t have the balls to say no thanks, or consented to a raid of a former US president and thought it was cool to gloat over “authorized deadly force” then take your walking papers, STFU, and be thankful that’s all you get.

But here’s where it gets fun: the second- and third-order effects of this move. What happens when precedent is set? How long before the next admin decides their political enemies don’t deserve clearance? We’re talking about a slippery slope so steep it makes an Olympic ski jump look like a toddler’s slide. Who decides where the line is drawn? You trust the government to be fair? That’s adorable.

Make no mistake—draining the swamp is necessary, but let’s not pretend the swamp won’t mutate, grow legs, and start dragging everyone down with it.

Conspiracy Nutbags vs. Reality: The Air Tragedies in DC and Pennsylvania

Moving on to something less controversial—oh wait, just kidding, because the internet is a festering cesspool of people who will politicize literally anything.

So, in the span of a few days, we’ve had tragic air traffic incidents near DC and in Pennsylvania, with planes going down and lives lost. As a Blackhawk Pilot, I have answered a number of questions about flying aided and unaided in densely trafficked airspace. But what do the conspiracy loons do? They immediately start shrieking “DEEP STATE ATTACKS!” as if the CIA is out here launching secret bird-strike missile programs from Langley. Are you people serious?

First off, if the Deep State was behind something, you wouldn’t know about it. You think the same government that covered up JFK, WMDs, and UFOs is suddenly out here getting sloppy with false flag operations on domestic flight paths? Give me a break.

Secondly, maybe—just maybe—we should let air crash investigators do their damn jobs before turning X into an amateur episode of 24. Not everything is a grand, orchestrated evil plan. Sometimes it’s just tragic incompetence, catastrophic HEFOE failures or plain old bad luck. Not every pilot is Tom Cruise in TOP GUN, and not every plane is being piloted by shadowy figures from Skull & Bones.

So let’s shut up, mourn the lost, and stop acting like every event on Earth is part of some 4D chess game. You sound ridiculous.

The Eagles and the Chiefs: Super Bowl Letdown 2025

I’ve seen train wrecks with better outcomes than this year’s Super Bowl.

The Chiefs won. Again. Fantastic. Because we all needed another year of Taylor Swift camera shots and Mahomes being canonized as the patron saint of football. Spare me. I’m over it.

Look, I get it—the guy’s a talent. But I come from the school of respecting dynasties while simultaneously hating their guts. And the NFL has a ref problem. I’ll say it. We’re at the point where we need VAR like soccer, because these refs change the flow of games with garbage calls. Nobody wants to see a ticky-tack PI decide a championship game. But hey, let’s just act like everything’s fine while the NFL tries to rebrand the Chiefs as the Patriots.

Disgusting. GO EAGLES.

The GOV Coin: A Moonshot for the Real Ones

Enough of the whining—let’s talk about something actually worth celebrating. The launch of GOV Coin.

No gimmicks. No insider dumps. No pre-sales. No fake hype. Just a bunch of like-minded degenerates launching a community-driven token with real potential.

Here’s how we’re doing it:

  • A single SOL dev buy to kick it off. No special allocations. No big-money pre-loads. Just pure, fair-market action.

  • No airdrops. That’s right—you’re either in, or you’re watching from the sidelines.

  • Community-driven burns. You want deflationary mechanics? Cool. We’ll vote on it.

  • Marketing and CEX listings? Up to the holders. No shadowy backroom deals—we succeed together, or we crash and burn together.

But let’s be real, this isn’t just about crypto. It’s about a community. A movement. A middle finger to the influencers, cabals, and VC-backed scams that plague this space. GOV Coin is about building something for the people, by the people.

And if you don’t think that’s worth being part of? Cool. Go buy another overhyped meme coin that some 22-year-old in Dubai shilled to his 500K followers. I’m sure it’ll work out great.

Merch, Because Why Not?

Oh, and if you’re not already checking out thegrumpyoldvet.com, you’re missing out. We’ve got merch. Good merch. The kind of stuff that lets the world know you have a personality and don’t get offended by your own shadow.

Want a T-shirt that pisses off your HR department? Got it.
Need a hoodie that tells the world you’ve had enough of the nonsense? Done.
Looking for something to wear while watching TikTok influencers lose their minds over having to get a real job? Say less.

Buy it. Wear it. Support the mission. Or don’t. Just don’t whine when you see everyone else rocking the best gear in town.

Final Word from Drama

If this week has proven anything, it’s that we’re living in the middle of a live-action soap opera that’s somehow both predictable and batshit insane. But through all the nonsense—politics, conspiracy loons, football heartbreaks, and influencer tears—real people keep grinding.

That’s what GOV Coin is for. The real ones.
Not the hype chasers. Not the clout seekers. The ones who show up, get it done, and don’t cry about it.

It’s a moonshot. You in or not?


Inauguration Reflections, Crypto Dreams, and Global Realities